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Submit a Show

Fill out the episode submission form for EVERY episode you are submitting. Review the Show Requirements to ensure that episodes adhere to NECAT guidelines.

Scheduling Timeline

All episodes submitted for Channels 9, 10 & 19 will be processed as soon as possible and will usually air 2 weeks after it is turned in.

  • If you have a specific date you want your episode to air on please contact PEG Studio staff by email at at least 24 hours in advance and note the date in your Episode Submission Form.
  • All shows with no new episode submissions will just be rotated to the next episode in sequence.

Content Submission

Before filling out the episode form, download and complete the forms you need to submit with your episode. Need help? Instructions for music licensing are on the Forms and Instructions page.

Please contact for instructions on submitting your content video file.

By completing this online form you are agreeing that you understand that turning in false licensing documents will result in an immediate loss of your membership, a ban from NECAT, and an end to broadcast of all your episodes. You warrant and represent that this document and all documents submitted to NECAT are complete and accurate. You accept that a breach hereunder may result in personal liability for copyright infringement and other violations of the law. You agree to indemnify and hold NECAT harmless as set forth in the Broadcast Agreement. Submitting an episode with incomplete licensing shall mean a 3-month ban from broadcasting, though studio privileges remain intact.